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The Healer

Hey there, friends. I pray that everyone is doing well. For this post, I would like to talk about healing. Healing is something that can be hard to comprehend. At times, we may encounter situations so painful that it seems like healing is the last thing to happen to us. Maybe you was hurt by someone that committed such an act that left you with deep scars. Or perhaps you have been listening to the same lies the enemy has been telling you for years, all while focusing so much on the pain and fail to focus on the healing that the Lord is willing to give you. Everyone is going to have a different scenario and probably face some difficulty in finding healing. Friends, I tell you today, that no matter what pain you are facing healing is surely on the way. The great news I have today is that our Father in Heaven can heal anything, even a broken heart. Although, we do have to do our part to let the process of healing begin. Maybe by letting go of the resentment you hold towards the person that caused you that pain and forgive them, can you then finally allow God to heal and mend your heart. By putting an end to the lies you've been fed and start receiving the nourishment of truth from God's words can begin the process of healing. If you let go of the burden of carrying the pain from your past and leave everything unto the Lord's hands, would you then be starting the process of your healing. Do you know that you have something powerful that dwells within you? God gave us a wonderful gift along with salvation. It is our comforter, counselor, healer, it's the Holy Spirit! Praise God! If we can only yield to the spirit, can we only then receive a heavenly healing from above. So friends, no matter what you face today, I declare that you are free from whatever pain you face in the name of our Holy Savior, Jesus Christ! I pray that he sends you healing right now in this very hour! There is nothing to big or impossible for our God to handle. Too big or impossible does not exist in his vocabulary. My friends, he is waiting to bring you healing, just yield to the spirit and let God take care of the rest. Have a blessed and very wonderful day, my siblings in Christ. Enjoy. 

The Healer

In this place we call life, challenges will surely arise
You may be left hurt and broken with tears in your eyes.
But I know a man that can heal the brokenhearted and
wipe every tear away to help you rise.
Days will come where fear and anxiety will cloud your
courage and peace
But I know a man that can shun away fear and restore
courage, and continue to give more in increase.
Lies will be spoken that will pierce and scar your heart
But I know a man that can separate the truth from lies and
lift you up above and keep you from falling apart.
The enemy will come to you in dreams and dark memories
to remind you of your old ways
But I know a man that can remind the enemy of his future
and say, “child, you have been redeemed,” this wonderful
and amazing man deserves all honor and praise.
How could it be that such a man would do these things
for you and me?
Through his wonderful mercy, grace, and unmatched love,
he promised all of these things through his decree.
His name is above all names and saved us all through his sacrifice
The all mighty and holy name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Inspirational Bible Quotes:

Psalm 147:3 (ESV) 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 

Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)

But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This flower closes up when the sun no longer shines on it, but opens again when the sun is out. Very beautiful, never saw anything like that. 


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