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Unconditional Love

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful week. It has been quite busy for me from studying for a test, catching up on homework, and work. But, I made it through another week and getting ready for the next. This evening, I want to talk about love. Love is something very important and even fundamental in this journey with, Christ. Before I started this journey, I did not truly understand what love really was. True, unconditional love. And as I am growing, I am still learning more of what it means to truly love not just family, friends, and loved ones; but, even others whom have no biological or personal ties to me. Even for individuals whom I use to call my enemies. It is the kind of love that only, Jesus can give and teach us of. Each day we may believe that we are capable of such an act. We may think, " I'm a kind enough person and can certainly show love. But, put yourself in a situation where someone has done wrong to you. If someone has spoken bad of you online, would you be willing to still love that person? If someone robbed you on the street or broke into your house and stole your belongings, would you be able to show them compassion and love after they are caught and tried in court? If a spouse or mate has cheated on you, are you willing to truly forgive them and continue to love them? I would imagine many people finding it hard to love someone who has committed any of these acts against them. You see, Jesus taught us that no matter what, we must learn to love others even those that would wish us harm. Some may not find purpose to love someone that would perpetrate defamation of our character. In response, they would instead retaliate and respond with anger and maybe hatred. Those that have been robbed by someone would find it virtually impossible to forgive and love that person. The entire point of love is to show others that Jesus lives inside of you; therefore, it will be evidence of how you have truly changed; from who you were to how you are now. It will show people that there is still hope for this world and that the lost can change their ways. Love is also a healing process of letting go of all the bad that has been done on you and move on with your life without hatred or grudges. You would be set free and avoid hardening your heart with resentment. As you continue your own journey with Christ, remember that love is a crucial thing to learn and practice. It may not be easy to apply in certain situations, but don't give up. In time, the Lord will work on your heart and transform you to be capable of true love. Below, you will find a poem about love. I hope you enjoyed my prelude to my poem and enjoy the poem as well. May God bless you all and grant you the strength to make it through another week. Until next Sunday, Lord Willing.

By Carlos Navarrete, Jr.


Love is very powerful, it can unharden and mend the pieces of a broken
heart and turn a bitter enemy to a close friend.
Love is an act that Jesus always encouraged when he walked
on Earth.
He stressed the importance of love and that nothing is more
As followers of our Lord and Savior, we must share love with
not just our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but also to
those whom we call our enemies.
When we fail to show love to others that wish us harm and
despise us, we live our lives in vain as believers in, Christ.
Love is the necessary ingredient required to walk with Christ.
It is said that we are a peculiar people, this means we are unique
individuals that stand out from the people without, Jesus.
If we do not have love in our hearts and minds, then we do not
have the Lord in us.
People that are not with Christ, find it hard to forgive those whom
have done wrong to them. They are incapable of the Love that the Lord
spoke so highly of.
But, before you can learn to love thy neighbor, you must first
learn to love Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the catalyst of love, and it is only through him can we
all be transformed by pure love.
So, let not your hearts be hardened, and let Jesus remove the
shackles that surround your heart and teach you how to truly

Inspirational Bible Quotes

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ESV

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

Romans 13:10 ESV

Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.


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