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Finding your Purpose

Good evening everyone. I pray that everyone has had a good and productive week. Today, marks a special day. A new member and I were announced as new deacons at our church. I had explained to my pastor a couple weeks ago that I was ready to be a deacon. It's funny because for quite some time, the Lord has put it in my heart and mind to become a deacon. However, I did not feel ready for such a responsibility. What I now realize is that I did not have a closer walk with God, nor did I have enough faith in the Lord that he would guide me through the process of being a deacon. I was mostly scared and nervous of what my tasks and responsibilities would be, and if I would truly be up for it. The one thing that I can be grateful for is that the Lord will accomplish things in his time. We simply have to be faithful and patient and know he is going to bless us in the right time. I never knew though, that I would ever take such a step as this. The thought of being a deacon simply never really interested me, but as the years went on I found myself growing closer and closer to God. It took me a while to really get to where I am today. There were times where I fell short of God's grace and mercy. Times where I was backsliding and did not take my spiritual walk seriously. But, there came a time where I finally came to the realization that this walk is real and so is Jesus Christ. No more should I sit around and grow complacent. I decided that I have to start walking righteously with the Lord and start putting into motion my purpose for the Lord. Although, as I mentioned in my first post, I am still learning and growing in the Lord because it is a process in which he is handling in his own time. I also mentioned that, I read my poems at church. However, for the past few weeks I felt that I had to extend my reach to others and share my poems. Thankfully, my wife and another church member suggested I start a blog and post my poems. As a result, I have been blogging and including my poems with the hope that others are inspired. What I want someone to take from this blog today is if the Lord ever places in your heart with a purpose, whether it be in: teaching, being a deacon, or even a minister, etc; place your faith in Jesus and I guarantee that he will brighten your path and give your the guidance and strength to fulfill that goal. As usual, you will find my poem below. May God continue to bless you all and grant you a safe and great week. 


It’s time to take that next step and take a leap of faith.
God has given you a calling, a purpose to fulfill.
The days of being afraid, not being sure if
you are strong enough to accomplish such a purpose are
long gone.
You must now put your faith to the test and do what
God created you to do.
Do not worry if you will fail or if your efforts may fall short.
As long as you plant the seed of hope in the hearts
and minds of those that need it, you will see how
your efforts will grow and inspire others to carry
their own cross just as you have.
Just plant the seed, and let God take care of the
Do not concern yourself with what others may say, but
think of the Lord and how he is smiling upon you.
You see, the foundation of your purpose is being
faithful to the, Lord.
God chose you, so do not let this honor go to waste.
Don't wait for someone else to take your place.
God, entrusted you with this blessing, so accept
your rightful duty and put your plan into motion.
In the end, you will reap a bountiful harvest all
for the glory of God, and be called his bold and
faithful servant.

Inspirational Bible Quotes: 

1 Peter 2:9 ESV

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Jeremiah 29:11 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.


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