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The Next Step

Hello, everyone. Man, it's been a while since I've been on. I hope you all have been safe and blessed. A lot has changed since I last posted on this blog. Praise God for guiding me through these changes. I am finally a father - since 2016. My little guy's name is, Mateo, he's 3 years old. My wife, Ebony, and I celebrated 10 years of marriage this year. We were also blessed to go back to Taiwan with our son last year (2018.) And in the same year, I found an awesome job where I currently serve as a Quality Assurance rep.

However, this year I lost someone very special to me. That was my Titi (aunt), Evelyn. She was a true warrior for Christ. She was so wise and encouraging. She brought so much inspiration in my journey and she did the same for many, many others. I will never forget the things she shared with me. I know she is in glory now with Jesus. I love and miss you, Titi. Til we meet again in Heaven. I pray that God provides comfort to my cousins, mother, and entire family that have been affected by my aunt's passing.

You know, I can still say that God has been good - through the good and not so good. An interesting thing is, the poem you'll see below is something I meant to share a few years ago. First, I had some issues logging back onto this account. I also thought I had published this poem but it turns out I kept it as a draft. I can't help but feel its so fitting after all the things that have happened. Friends, I want you to know today that no matter what circumstances you're in, good or bad, God is still God and He will never fail. Know that Jesus loves you and wants to be your peace, strength, hope, but most of all, king over your heart. Will you let Him in today?

I truly hope that this poem inspires you, whether in the midst of your peace or sorrow. May God keep you safe and shower an abundance of blessings over you. I love you all, see you again until next time Lord willing.

Here I am again. That old familiar place. I’ve reached the end and I am worn.
What is the next step?
I ponder in deep perpetual thought because I know the path I’m on now will
no longer yield results. It has served it’s purpose and now it’s time to
move to the next step.
The conundrum I face, however, is the fear of the unknown. This is nothing new.
It is an old adversary I face on a continual basis. But only this time it is different.
There is a stirring in me. A yearning for a meaningful change, and the only thing in
my way is fear.
I ask though, what is fear?
This fear has been cruel; it has kept me from unrealized dreams!
This fear has been crippling; left petrified and unable to take that one step toward my calling!
This fear has been disparaging; feeling as though I would not amount to anything
big in this life!
Where do I go now with this fear in the way. It’s hard to hear that still small voice
because I let this fear speak louder.
As I look intently into the abysmal eyes of fear, it is then that I recognize for what it is.
Fear is a lie that was told long ago and its purpose is to sabotage my future plans.
It is one of the biggest weapons, alongside temptation, designed by that treacherous enemy to cause us to fall.
Fear is the manifestation of all my doubts, disbelief, and confusion whose
sole-purpose is to stop what God has put forth.
So what God has put forth, let it not be trampled by fear, but trample over it. God’s will be done.
Though my fear is loud, my God is louder!
Though my fear tells lies, my God brings the truth!
Though my fear appears strong, my God is stronger!
And yes, though my fear seems great, my God is greater!
I will utilize the faith and courage God has entrusted me with in order to battle my foe.
No longer shall fear hold me back from fulfilling what God has called me for.
So I say onward to the next step!

Inspirational Bible Quotes: 

Romans 8:38-39 (NLT) 

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below--indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT)

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.


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