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When He Returns

What a glorious but frightful day it will be For some, they will shout for joy while others for mercy they will plea.  For the goats will be met with His wrathful judgment you will see, but the sheep, eternal rest will be what they receive.  At last we will all see Him clearly with our very eyes The One who is faithful in steadfast love; He has heard His peoples’ cries.  Money, power, fame or Christ, upon which will you rely? To Him you are either friend or stranger, today you must decide! A lowly and meek child was He when He first arrived But a mighty and victorious King He’ll return, with nowhere to hide.  All of those who have mocked His holy name It is them in which He will put to shame.  To none will be a second chance on that day Accept Jesus now for thee, my friend, oh how I pray! Hear Him now for salvation does call So that when He returns you will not fall.  Inspirational Scripture:  John 3:16-17 ESV "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever be
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The True God

Lend me your ears that you may hear the truth. Please hear the gospel while you have your youth. Those that are older please tarry no longer. Come to God and be filled with the Holy Spirit; His peace He wants to offer. Christ died for our sins once and for all. No other has done this; I implore you to answer His call. Let go of your idols and be deceived no more. Jesus is knocking; He awaits at the door. Abandon your false gods for no other can measure. Who is like the Lord? It is He that we should pursue as treasure. For so long our hearts have been hardened and towards God we've been hostile. Repent and turn to the Lord for He alone paid for the penalties of our sins; this is the gospel. How holy You are oh God who dwells in unapproachable light. All honor and glory be to our Savior, Jesus Christ! Inspirational Verses: 1 Timothy 6:16 (ESV) 16 who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion.


Glory be to the Father who deserves all honor and praise. It is He whom I adore and worship, and it is His name that is above all which I will raise.  The One who is faithful and true; He will never leave me. His mercy has kept me throughout my life, it's powerful and endless like a mighty sea.  Who is like our God? He is good and just. A man of unclean lips I am; I revere You, Lord, for I am merely dust.  I bow to the One who is truly worthy. The Creator of the universe and all that is earthly.  Holy is Your name Lord; You are beyond my limited comprehension. It is you that my heart is fixed to, oh Lord, how you've straightened my direction.  The King who was slain for my sins; I am yours til my dying breath. For nothing can separate me from His love, no man or angel nor height or depth. Come and let us worship the One who deserves our all. The time is near when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord for He alone is Lord of all.  Inspirational B

From walls to rubble

How high the walls were made With every brick the enemy surely gave How sturdy those walls were made That the light would quickly fade  Oh, how these walls entrapped me in darkness My heart grew cold and like stone turned to hardness  Higher and higher those walls kept going  With little air and room; how unnerving the feeling of choking With no help in sight my heart and soul continued to stray  With despair and no hope I thought these walls were here to stay Happiness was suffocated, evidenced by my frown  I felt myself sink, and into the abyss I began to drown  How I’ve tried to leave and often fought  Alone in my walls or at least so I thought I hear a still voice echo, and I look around As the rattling of my chains can be heard to which I was bound How soothing is the voice, the voice of Jesus; in desperation I cry out for His mercy and grace I finally surrender all and submit to Him to see His face One by one my Savior tore down each wall  My hope is restored as I clearly hear hi

The Way Out

Run child, run to God! The way of escape is near; keep pushing through.  Don't stop and look back; keep soldiering on.  He provides us the way out; no need to keep those chains on.  Who told you you were defeated? Don't you know our Savior, Jesus, has won? His victory is our declaration; we shall overcome!  O' how the sweet sound of redemption rings in my ears as the chains fall.  How wonderful and soothing is His voice? Can't you hear him call?  What the enemy said was a lie; there is a way out! So give God all due praise; you are free from bondage. Of this, I know there's no doubt.  Inspirational Bible Verses: 1 Corinthians 10:13 NASB No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. James 1:2-4 ESV Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various ki

Blog 4/17/2021

 Hey there. Hope all has been well with you. Just thought I'd share some pictures since it's been a while; I hope you enjoy them. 

Worthy of Praise

Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise.  How You nit me together in my mother's womb and knew me before I took my first breath.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise.  How you've seen me take my first steps and walked beside me throughout my life.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise.  How my ears hear the melodic songs of birds in the morning and the familiar sound of my son's laughter throughout the day.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise. How my delicate eyes see the blue, expansive sky and the many shades of humanity You made in Your very image.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise. How my body can feel the gentle, cool breeze of Spring and the warm, loving embrace of my wife.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise. How I can smell the wonderful fragrance of a rose and catch a scent that brings to mind of fond memories from the past.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of praise. How my tastebuds can distinguish sweet from sour and enjoy a delectable meal.  Oh, Lord, You are worthy of prai